Sunday, November 7, 2010

Social Networking

Barring a mistake, the Wikipedia page listed 206 different social networking sites; most of them I did not know. The ones that I did know included Facebook, Myspace,, and Twitter. A site that I didn't previously know is gamerDNA: this site allows its users to discover new games and make connections with fellow gamers based on their interests.

For the most part, I only use social networks as a method of communication or to find music. At the moment, I only use Facebook and

The only instance I can say that Social Networking Sites really helped(or hurt, for that matter) is when I was able to use it to re-establish contact with a lost friend. Other than that, there has been no significant instance. However, the lifestyle change that it has brought about has most definitely been significant in that I now have a convenient way to keep in touch with friends and leave them non-urgent messages.


  1. gamerDNA sounds like a very interesting site to me. I am wondering if these kind of sites have bad influence on the members in terms of violence and the time that they may waist in some cases.

  2. I like finding long-lost friends on Facebook too.
