Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jour 2 Class Highlights

I definitely learned a lot this quarter about the media and how it reflects the values of society. One moment that helped define this was when we compared the height / weight of the average American woman to that of the average model. It clearly showed that we Americans hold tallness and skinniness in high regard as far as the aesthetics of women go. Another thing that I learned was just how much work goes into producing print media such as newspapers. In order to effectively produce a good newspaper, a full staff of editors, reporters, and advertisers is needed to combine all the elements of the paper together to make it interesting and profitable. Lastly, perhaps one of the most eye opening lessons was the one about public relations and propaganda. It really shows how some people use the media to manipulate people to their advantage. Overall, this was a fun and insightful class, and I definitely took away a much more in-depth understanding of the media and how it relates to our society.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you can take something away from the class. Great PowerPoint on WoW.
